Thursday, January 31, 2013

Is this really my life?

Have you ever had those moments when you just stop and it occurs to you “holy crap this is my life!”  I don’t mean in a negative “I hate my life kind of way,”  I mean in a “holy crap I’m an adult kind of way.”  I had one of these moments yesterday.  I was making my bed and it hit me in the face like a ton of bricks (or dirty laundry) that I am 30, have been married for almost 10 years and have 4 (yes 4) children.  I barely feel like I am qualified to keep a gold fish alive (because I can’t) and I have 4 children that are my responsibility to not only keep alive but to teach.  EEEEKKKKKKK!!!!!  I then went on in amazement to marvel at the house that is ours, that fact that we have shampoo and conditioner, and most nights a home cooked meal on the table.  When had I become responsible?!?!!? I feel like I am still 18 in a lot of ways and I feel 45 in others.  What if horror of all horrors my children figure out that I am basically making this up as I go?  Yikes. 

I feel like it took my at least 2 years after getting married to finally realize I was in fact married.  I usually don’t really grasp that the baby in my house in fact is mine until they are about 6 months.  At times I seriously feel like I am waiting for their real mom to come and pick them up.  Then it hits me that perhaps this is what all moms feel like.  Maybe my mom was in fact a human being when I was growing up too.  Maybe she made it up too.  I guess my hybrid, imperfect parenting is not only acceptable but, dare I say, the  We are loud.  We have dance parties.  Sometimes my children see me naked getting out of the shower.  I let me children talk me into all sorts of things like cereal for dinner (do they really even have to twist my arm much……not really).  We say yes to most things as long as it will not cause injury or destruction or mental laziness.  Yet amongst all this made up parenting we have governing our home our children are thriving, know that they are adored, are not a menace to society (or at least their school) and occasionally tell us that we are the best parents in the world.  I guess I’ll just have to believe them.

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